FFE Journal #20
A new issue of Fakes, Forgeries & Experts Journal is here and this time the authors have contributed with 19 articles on the topic of forgeries, forgers and expert philately.
This issue of the FFE Journal is particularly attractive with a selection of articles in very different fields ranging from forgeries to forged letters. Several articles focus on the dangerousness of overprints.
In this issue, you will find the signatures of internationally recognized experts who have been leading authorities in their field for decades now. Thus, the names of Bob Odenweller, Jean-François Brun or Eduardo Escalada, to name but a few, are known to everyone.
The editor of FFE, Vincent Schouberechts will be presenting the new issue of Fakes, Forgeries & Experts Journal during the STOCKHOLMIA 2019 at Stockholm Waterfront Congress Centre, Nils Ericsons Plan 4, Stockholm. Everybody curious and interested in the book is welcome to join us.
FFE Journal #19
Do you know the connection between Paris and Poland No 1? If not, just read the article by Bogdan Pelc on the subject. You'll learn that sometimes forgeries are much scarcer than originals...
Learn more about forged Crown covers of the Portuguese Colonies in the article by Luís Frazão. Knowledge of postal history can help to recognize faked or forged covers.
Are you sure all your post-war cancellations on Luxembourg stamps are genuine? You may change your mind after reading Lars Boettger's article.
A new issue of Fakes, Forgeries & Experts Journal is here and this time 15 authors have contributed with 16 articles on the topic of forgeries, forgers and expert philately.
The editor of FFE, Vincent Schouberechts will be presenting the new issue of Fakes, Forgeries & Experts Journal during the FINLANDIA 2017 exhibition in Tampere, Finland. Everybody curious and interested in the book are welcome to join us.
New Editor for the FFE Journal!
Fakes, Forgeries & Experts Journal (FFE), since 1998 appreciated tool for the fight against and to inform about forgeries, is entering an exciting chapter with a new editor.
Vincent Schouberechts will take on the challenge of developing FFE into new accomplishments and he is already in progress with the work of the issue #19.
Mr. Schouberechts is a very active collector, especially of philatelic literature and he was one of the organizers of the Literature Exhibition at MonacoPhil 2013. He is also a member of AEP, FRPSL, AIJP and Belgian Academy administrator.
The first issue of FFE was published by Paolo Vollmeier in 1998 and since then over four hundred articles have been written by more than 200 authors. Paolo Vollmeier was succeeded by the Honorary FIP President Knud Mohr, who edited 10 issues and later on by Jonas Hällström. The Journal is one of the most important publications concerning knowledge of fakes and forgeries in the philatelic world. The volumes contain a broad spectrum of articles covering a wide field of philatelic mischief, but also expert insight on interesting and relevant subjects. It has almost become a necessity in the education of jurors.
FFE is, since the start, published in close cooperation with A.I.E.P. who is sending the Journal to all their members.
We look with excitement forward to this new collaboration.
Welcome on board Vincent!
In case you have an idea for an article or any questions about the journal please contact the editor directly at:
Vincent Schouberechts
Kardinaal Sterckxlaan 53
Email :
Phone : +32/474.84.84.39
FFE Journal #18
Dear FFE readers and prospect readers
Thanks to devoted and passionate authors, ’Fakes, Forgeries & Experts Journal” (FFE) is back with its 18th edition. In this #18 we present an extensive variety of philatelic knowledge covered in 19 articles by 17 different authors, six of them occur with their first appearance in ’FFE’. We are very happy that the release coincides with ’EUROPHILEX 2015’ in London. Thanks to the ’Association Internationale des Journalistes Philatéliques’ (AIJP) we are invited to conduct the presentation at the AIJP-meeting.
From the very start, ’FFE’ addresses all philatelists, advanced collectors, exhibitors, experts, dealers, auction houses and philatelic organisations [Paolo Vollmeier, ”A word from the publisher”, FFE #1, 1998]. The "simple" and over the years consistent purpose with ’FFE’ is to inform collectors and exhibitors about fakes and forged items. ’FFE’ also wants to explain how philatelic experts work in their countries. Informing the collectors mean protecting them from fakes and forgeries. As editor, I have the responsibility to make sure that we publish articles dealing with matters meeting the aims with ’FFE’.
The headline article in this issue is Abed H. Najjar’s ”The World’s Most Forensically Tested Philatelic Gem: The Iconic Victor Hugo Plate 77 Cover”, which proves how technology has been essential for the forensic statements given. Given the insight on technologies, Jean-François Brun’s article dealing with ”Reference Marks - The Use of Reference Marks for the Identification and Authentication of Postage Stamps”, presents the fact that expertising is a balance act between "technology" and "perceptible marks" during the identification process. Over the last years, the interest for philatelic history and provenance on philatelic items has grown very fast. We are more and more who build philatelic libraries and look out for the gems in the field of philatelic literature. Thanks to Wolfgang Maassen we publish a very comprehensive work (48 pages) on "Forgeries and Falsifications of Philatelic Literature - A First Look Back”.
I want to thank all authors for their great works - it’s a pleasure to work with all of you. Thanks also to our advertisers Heinrich Köhler, Corinphila, David Feldman and U.P.U., who together with Postiljonen as publisher year after year carry on the tradition of excellence with ’FFE’.
Jonas Hällström
14/11-14: FFE
Do you know how educational the Fakes, Forgeries and Experts Journal (FFE) is?
- If yes, meet us at NORDIA 2014, 21-23 November in Lillestrom and give us your feedback or inputs on how FFE can improve its content and/or performance.
- If not, meet us in Lillestrom and explore the latest issue FFE #17, which you will find is full of knowledge and science from 22 different authors who contribute with 22 articles. Of these authors 13 are published with their first appearance in FFE.
From the very start FFE addresses all philatelists, advanced collectors, exhibitors, experts, dealers, auction houses and philatelic organisations. Through the years and still today, FFE has the same purpose and addresses the same audience of writers and readers. The ”simple” and over the years consistent purpose with FFE is to inform collectors and exhibitors about fakes and forged items. FFE also wants to explain how philatelic experts work in their countries. Informing the collectors mean protecting them from fakes and forgeries.
Continuously we are seeking topics for new articles and connecting with new authors for upcoming releases. Currently we are very much interested in documentation relating to philatelic and postal material from all over the world which is restored, repaired or in any other way changed from it’s condition in order to improve its appearance for "the market”.
You will be able to meet with the FFE team in Postiljonens stand at NORDIA 2014where you also can purchase back issues of FFE for ”exhibition prices”. If you want to meet with me as editor personally I will be available over the whole exhibition, in the stand or around. We can set up a meeting beforehand, either via e-mail or telephone, or connect with me via the stand during the exhibition.
Jonas Hallstrom
FFE #17 Content and Editorial Message
I welcome you as reader of FFE #17 which is full of knowledge and science from 22 different authors who contribute with 22 articles. 13 of the authors are published with their first appearance in FFE.
The first important field to cover with FFE
When I introduced myself taking over from Knud Mohr as editor, I wrote about my perceptions on "damaged philatelic material" and "the problem we see with restoration of philatelic material". I promised to focus with full attention on this problem. Money is the driving force behind restoration of philatelic items.
The second important field to cover with FFE: Easy-accessable technology and tools for philatelists
In the past collectors very often needed philatelic experts to assist in order to detect philatelic material restored or forged. The technology revolution has really changed this and today we can very often practice and build knowledge "independently" from experts. Reading FFE is one way of building knowledge. Practices can be achieved by using technical equipment and tools which are easy-accessable (and relatively not expensive) today.
"It will never end" ...
... Knud Mohr, being the Honorary Editor of FFE, writes in his initial foreword to FFE #17. Having Knud aside me in his new role for FFE will ensure the continuation of FFE's important work. Knud refers to the fact that even modern stamps from the 21st century are being forged and the philatelic community is lucky having experts following this field as well.
Jonas Hallstrom Editor
FFE Journal # 16!
Fakes, Forgeries & Experts Journal is back with an excellent issue. FFE is published by Postiljonen and has become an appreciated reference material at international exhibitions. In this issue there are twentynine articles from twentyfive different authors, ten of them are first time writers for the FFE. The articles deal with classic material but also with modern types of forgeries.
Out now - MICHEL Valuable Stamps of the World, 2nd edition!
The most valuable stamps in the world from about 30 MICHEL catalogues in one volume!
Order it here!
The new Facit catalogue is here, Facit Special 2013.
This annual specialized catalogue features all stamps of the Nordic countries in colour. It is aimed at the more advanced collector but is designed to enable anybody to easily find the desired information. Find out more and order it here
The FFE #15 is out now!