FFE #6
Wondrous Transformations (continued from FFE No.1)
Class: TR
Karl-Albert Louis FRPSL, A.I.E.P.
An extensive article demonstrating the manipulation of Great Britain stamps 1840-1882 showing through photographic evidence, the original and 'improved' material. Sixty-seven illustrations. Follows on from previous article in FFE #1 in which thirty-four illustrated and annotated examples (22 GB, 12 NL) of manipulations of rare classic material. Evidence is mainly gathered by comparative study of auction catalogues, old and new. Even unique and beautiful items are demonstrably "improved". Various types of manipulations are shown.
Article number: FFE0601

FFE #6
From the Baltic - Even small cattle make manure
Class: PH
Harry v. Hofmann FRPSL, A.I.E.P.
A fieldpost letter dated 27th March 1943 sent to Königsburg is described and shown to be a forgery, as is a postcard sent to the same address. The distinction between forged and genuine German fieldpost marks is illustrated. Note that other similar items are to be found.
Article number: FFE0602

FFE #6
Egyptian postage due covers of 1898
Class: PH
Peter A.S. Smith FRPSL, A.I.E.P.
Genuine postage due covers from the Egyptian element of the Anglo-Egyptian 1898 campaign to the Sudan are rare. Fake covers were produced mainly by Victor Nahman and these regularly appear in dealers' lists and at auction. These well made forgeries datestamped Halfa, Merowi, Arbara and Darmali are described and demonstrated by comparison with genuine postmarks.
Article number: FFE0603

FFE #6
Perspectives on expertisers
Class: Other
Ernst M. Cohn
The history of expertising and the case for precision and change are developed in an extensive article which i.a. considers expertising in classical philately in comparison with the demands of expertising in postal history. There is a case for honest doubt to be recorded on certificates, for experts to be confined to their areas of specialism, for museums to be more willing to accept their material being judged, and for collectors to be more aware of the limitations of expert opinion. However, and expert expertiser is part of the philatelic elite.
Article number: FFE0604

FFE #6
Comment on Ernst Cohn's observations on the BPP in his article "Perspectives on expertisers"
Class: Other
Dr. Hans-Karl Penning, President BPP
The President of the BPP defends the rules of the organisation in respect of the comments made by Ernst Cohn.
Article number: FFE0605

FFE #6
A note for your attention
Class: TR
Enrique Soro Bergua A.I.E.P.
Stamps and postal history items from Spain a e illustrated and explained in their original and subsequently manipulated states. These include perforated stamps of the 1865 issue, and letters from Avila, Galicia Puebla, to Cuba, from Fernando Po, to Cebu and from Manila during the classical period.
Article number: FFE0606

FFE #6
Identifying forged type
Class: Other
Roy A. Dehn
An exposition on the naming of parts and the structure of typefaces.
Article number: FFE0607

FFE #6
The French 40 c. postage due
Class: TR
Jean-François Brun R.D.P., A.I.E.P.
On the Sperati forgeries of the French 40 c postage due of September 1871.
Article number: FFE0608

FFE #6
A rather clever fake cover
Class: PH
David MacDonnell A.I.E.P.
In praise of Eliot Perry, a pioneer in the logical approach to expertising with particular reference to a cover bearing Scott # 160 and # 153, from Salem Massachusetts to Zanzibar in 1873 or later.
Article number: FFE0609

FFE #6
Forgery of Bolivian postage stamps
Class: TR
Eugenio von Boeck
The postal forgery of Bolivian stamps in 1894 is recalled and the modern postal forgery of the 15 Boliviano UPAEP, the 2 Boliviano Ceramica Cochabamba, and 6 Boliviano Cristo de la Concordia are reported.
Article number: FFE0610

FFE #6
New German Postal forgeries part II
Class: TR
Wolfgang Maassen FRPSL, AEP, Wilhelm van Loo BPP
A second postal forgery of the 110 Pf Schloss Bellevue, a third of the 100 Pf Marlene Dietrich, the 1200 year anniversary of the Bishopric of Paderborn (10th June 1999), the International Year of Senior Citizens (Mi. 2027), Europa 2000 (Mi. 2213), and the 50th Anniversary of the Frauenhofer Society (Mi. 2038), are reported and the challenge facing the German post office reviewed.
Article number: FFE0611

FFE #6
The Canary Islands without number
Class: TR
José Llach A.I.E.P.
Forgeries of stamps overprinted to commemorate the visit of General Franco to the Canary Islands in October 1950. Insist on a certificate for this stamp Mi. 9871; Edifil 1083.
Article number: FFE0612

FFE #6
The 1906 forst Worldwide Olympic postmarks ΑΚΡΟΠΟΛΙΣ (Acropolis), ΖΑΠΠΕΙΟΝ (Zappeion), ΣΤΑΔΙΟΝ (Satdion) and their counterfeits
Class: PH
Michalis E. Tsironis
1906, the 10th anniversary of the first modern Olympic games in Athens, saw the second issue of commemorative Olympic postage stamps, and its first commemorative postmarks. The postmarks, their usage and forgeries are illustrated and described by comparison with genuine marks. A comprehensive bibliography and list of collections concludes the piece.
Article number: FFE0613

FFE #6
The acceptable face of conservation of philatelic material
Class: Other
Patrick Pearson R.D.P., A.I.E.P.
The stabilisation of a local letter sheet fro Ceylon is described as an acceptable form of conservation in contrast to an enhanced 1st May 1840 Penny Black cover illustrated in FFE #1. Precise instructions must be given to conservators to avoid damage.
Article number: FFE0614

FFE #6
"Special X-ray techniques for examining stamps and covers"
Class: Other
Edward M. Liston A.I.E.P.
The use of X-ray diffraction, fluorescence and transmission are described in determining paper, pigment and repairs with references to other publications on the subject.
Article number: FFE0615

FFE #6
Japanese forgeries of non-Japanese stamps by Varro E. Tyler
Class: TR
Richard Wheatley FRPSL
Illustration and discussion of the Japanese Kamigata forgeries of Suez Canal stamps including a forged cover and cancellations.
Article number: FFE0616

FFE #6
Forged Hungarian pre-stamp covers
Class: PH
Dénes Czirók MRPSL
Production of forged Hungarian pre-stamp covers emanates from a number of forgery workshops. BARANYAVÁR, P.CSEKLÉSZ, CSONGRÁD, SZOLNOK, ÉRSEKÚVÁR, PÁPA, GYŐR, KÖRMÖTZBÁNYA, NEUDORF, ÁCS, VIZSOLY, and Th. SAMBOKRET are marks found on several hundred covers now distributed around the world. Check your collection.
Article number: FFE0617

FFE #6
Alpenvorland Adria
Class: TR
David B. Ganse
The background to the 1945 Alpenvorland - Adria stamps, and that of those issued for Provinz Laibach is related. The disputes over, and judgements on the Alpenvorland - Adria issue are revisited at length, and the question of whether these are fakes, forgeries or bogus is addressed. The author concludes that they must have been produced from official resources, and are in fact an unissued set from the closing days of the Second World War.
Article number: FFE0618

FFE #6
A plea for the consideration of small values
Class: TR
Heinz Erwin Jungjohann A.I.E.P.
An extended request for further information on issue dates, first usage and perforation varieties from the Polish inflation period. MI. numbers 171, 172, 173, 180, 181, 182, 183 and 184 are referred to. Usage before reported issue date is a question also in relation to the Upper Silesia plebiscite overprints. Collectors of Poland are urged to examine their collections and to report anomalies.
Article number: FFE0619

FFE #6
Spectroscopic examinations of stamps' colours for age assessment and authentication
Class: Other
Robert Neunteufel
The use of energy dispersive X-ray fluorescent spectroscopy (EDF in determining the status of black handstamps from the 18th and 19th centuries is discussed. The composition of inks historically and in more modern times is set out, and the results from a series of 32 covers judged by philatelists and this technology are reported. The former could make no determination on four covers while the latter produced a result in all cases, with three 'genuine' philatelic judgements found false, and one forged judgement found to be genuine. This technology has applications also in judging stamps.
Article number: FFE0620

FFE #6
An interesting
Class: PST
Mario D. Kurchan A.I.E.P.
5 c postal stationery, April 1876 - February 1877 is shown unused, with a forged cancellation, and faked.
Article number: FFE0621

FFE #6
The myth of the 5 c surcharge in the Paraguay 1 Real rose of 1878
Class: TR
Mario D. Kurchan A.I.E.P.
The 1878 one Real rose of Paraguay surcharged with 5 (cents) in blue is a forgery. The rectangular canceller with date ending in 7 8 is shown to be false.
Article number: FFE0622

FFE #6
Identification of covers with Sinkiang provisional airmail stamps - formation of the Northwest airline and the issuance and use of Sinkiang provisional airmail stamps.
Class: Aero
David Lu FRPSL A.I.E.P.
The history, usage, postage rates and flights of the 1932-33 provisional Sinkiang airmail stamps (SG 83-86; Scott C1-4) is presented. All cancellers are illustrated since comparison with genuine stamps is the best evidence of forgery. Dates of flights are tabulated, rates and addresses are listed, and many western and Chinese style covers are reviewed with their provenance, and the reasons for judging them false are given. An extensive bibliography and auction catalogue list completes the article.
Article number: FFE0623