FE #7
Franked Newspapers in the Serbian Principality 1866-1880
Class: Aero
Dr. Vekizar M. Kardosch
10 pages article in English and in German. A very interesting article that opposes another article in FFE No. 5, 2002 in which two rare newspapers were regarded forged on a very doubtfull basis as to the author.The author defends previous oppinions of the rare newspapers as genuine.
Article number: FFE0701

FFE #7
Il Grande Raid Aero Franco - Italiano: Bologna-Venice-Rimini-Bologna, 17-18 September 1911
Class: TR
Dr. Fiorenzo Longhi
8 pages article in English and in Italian. Two forged letters/cards are compared with genuine ones.
Article number: FFE0702

FFE #7
The ZP3 forged overprint
Class: TR
Dieter Leder
14 pages article in German and in English. The article confirms with many interesting close-up photos a forgery of partial double overprint.
Article number: FFE0703

FFE #7
The Carlista Forgeries wrongly called re-impressions
Class: TR
Eduardo Escalada
6 pages article in English and Spanish illustrating characteristica of the forgeries.
Article number: FFE0704

FFE #7
Class: PH
Heinz Erwin Jungjohan
2 pages article in English and German, demonstrating how a demaged letter got restored. Illustrated before and after restoration.
Article number: FFE0705

FFE #7
Illegal and Forged stamps - two faces of the same scourge
Class: TR
Albertino de Figueiredo
6 pages in English and Spanish about the fight against illegal issues.
Article number: FFE0705

FFE #7
Forgery og the Dornstetten (O.A. FREUDENSTADT) postmark
Class: TR
Jürgen Straub
2 pages article reporting about new finds of forged postmarks on covers from inflation period appearing on flea markets in Germany.
Article number: FFE0707

FFE #7
Relationship among art, science and philately
Class: TR
Ernst M. Cohn
9 pages article in English and German. About using postal history as a tool for detecting forgeries.
Article number: FFE0708

FFE #7
Forgeries or manipulations of Strubel bisects
Class: TR
Erhard Keller
5 pages article in English and German. 5 interesting cases are demonstrated.
Article number: FFE0709

FFE #7
Queensland archival strikes - not what they appear
Class: TR
Bernie Beston
3 pages article in English.
Article number: FFE0710

FFE #7
Austrian Mail in Hungary - unusual frankings with Austria's 5th issue.
Class: TR
Istvan Glatz
8 pages article with description of 5 GENUINE covers from same correspondence, all sent to New York.
Article number: FFE0711

FFE #7
"Sunday-print", "Ferrarity" og reprint.
Class: TR
Carl Aage Møller
2 pages article about Iceland 25 Aur with black I GILDI overprint. This stamp has got overprinted after all other values were printed as "Sunday-prints". The original typography was used for overprint but compiled different from the 6 settings used in the correct period.
Article number: FFE0712

FFE #7
Not forged - but?
Class: TR
Hans Ehlern Jessen
3 pages article in English. The article reports analysis of a cover bearing a 14 Cents stamp from The Danish Westindies. Forged or manipulated?
Article number: FFE0713

FFE #7
Forgeries of the Argentinean Forerunner Postmarks
Class: TR
Dr. Mario D. Kurchan
3 pages article in English and in Spanish. Five covers and two letter cuts are analyzed in the article - forgeries produced from unfranked without cancels. Rubber cancels reproduced from the Knietschel catalogue issued 1958 are applied on the items.
Article number: FFE0714

FFE #7
The papers and the different colours found in Jean de Sperati's production of the first two issues of Newfoundland
Class: TR
Richard Gratton
11 pages article in english and in french. A scientific analysis of colour and paper used for the forgeries of Sperati.
Article number: FFE0715

FFE #7
Portuguese Navigators
Class: TR
Pedro Marcal Vaz Pereira
A problem i Portuguese philately. 4 pages article in english. Proofs made by the stamp designer Martins Barata (Sr.) were a private print not made for the actual process of manufacturing the stamps.
Article number: FFE0716

FFE #7
Issues for the XI International Railway Congress og Spain for the year 1930 and forgeries of it
Class: TR
Enrique Soro Bergua
10 pages article in english and spanish. Article with many excellent illustrations comparing genuine and forgeries of the Issue.
Article number: FFE0717

FFE #7
New Carlisle Cover Analysis
Class: TR
Vincent Graves Greene, Philatelic Research Foundation
3 pages article in englich with illustrations of two covers including newresearch of a Carlisle cover.
Article number: FFE0718

FFE #7
Faked covers from Sicily 1859-60
Class: TR
Francesco Lombardo
8 pages article in english and italian. The author demonstrates how postal historical knowledge discloses faked covers.
Article number: FFE0719

FFE #7
Fakes and forgeries of Australian Italy
(Lombardo-Veneto) 1850-1866
Class: TR
Kurt E. Kimmel
5 pages article in english and german. Illustrations demonstrates genuine and faked postmarks and a forgery of 10 Cents, a 12-block with four St. Andrews crosses.
Article number: FFE0720

FFE #7
Doubtful and bogus items from Bolivia, Carpatho-Ukraine, Hungary, Latvia and USSR
Class: TR
Andrew Cronin
4 pages article in english. The author gives an interesting background for various doubtful overprint issues, e.g. Hungary, Michel Nos. 598-611. Latvia, Michel Nos. 282,283,286,290 & 291 with red star overprint with initials, USSR Michel Nos. 675,679, 682 & 685 with "error" overprints.
Article number: FFE0721

FFE #7
Some Brazilian fakes and forgeries
Class: TR
Paulo Comelli
11 pages article in english, describing e.g. a faked cover with 90rs Bull's Eye with forged cancel "ITABAPOANA", a 90rs Bull's Eye block of four with ink cancel and with small defects - the block appeared later as unused (ink removed) and with repaird defects.
Article number: FFE0722

FFE #7
The Last Postal Forgery, which appeared in Spain, based on a design by Joan Miró, dedicated to his friend Picasso
Class: TR
Alfredo Navarro Payá
5 pages article in english and in spanish. The article describes how the determinate the postal forgery.
Article number: FFE0722

FFE #7
Class: Other
Jean-Francois Brun
The 25 elements that significates an expert. English and french.
Article number: FFE0724

FFE #7
Himalayan Phantasies
Class: TR
Wolfgang Hellrigl
6 pages article with description and excellent illustrations of 5 covers with forged cancels. By the end of the article is a modern forgery shown, a block of 10 of the 1960 1 Rupee, Birthday of King Mahendra, Official stamp with HANDPAINTED OVERPRINT.
Article number: FFE0725

FFE #7
Forgeries of the Moscow City Post Stationery Entire
Class: TR
Zbigniew Mikulski
6 pages article in english. The article illustrates genuine as well as forged stationeries with many excellent photos.
Article number: FFE0726

FFE #7
A. Ronald Butler
Class: TR
The Diadem Fivepence
3 pages article in english describing forgeries of imperfs, "Specimen" overprints as well as Spiro and Panelli forgeries.
Article number: FFE0727

FFE #7
Class: PH
Dieter Bortfeldt
Forgeries on Colombian pre-philatelic covers. 16 pages article in english and spanish. Describing the forgeries of "NEIVA" and "BUCARAMANGA" wiht many illustrations.
Article number: FFE0728